Thursday, March 01, 2007

Dreams, Alkies, And Starbucks

My review of Marnie Stern's brilliant debut album In Advance Of A Broken Arm is up at BigYawn. I enjoy writing about music, and seeing my thoughts posted at BigYawn has been -- pause for a dork moment -- exciting. Still, I don't know if anything I've written is any good. Is it foolish to dream of writing for SPIN, Rolling Stone, or the Post? And not just about music, but I dream to write about life, the world, and to maybe someday interview the President years after he took the country on an eight-year bullet train ride and ask him, " were just fucking with us, right?"

Speaking of alcoholics, make sure to check out Back to Black, the new album from Amy Winehouse which will be released in the US on March 13th. "Rehab", the first single, has been getting all the attention -- and it is a great song, one of my favorites of the year so far -- but it's the second track, "You Know I'm No Good", that leaves you floored. A remixed version featuring Ghostface has been getting a lot of radio play in New York since it's release in January(I should note that I don't listen to radio in DC, so it may be getting airtime here too, but I'd be ignorant of it...I only listen to the radio in New York because it's what my girlfriend puts on when, when she brushes her teeth). The Post ran a great story about Winehouse, "100-Proof Voice", last month.

Starbucks added a new location near my office, one that is potentially on the way to work. Great news, even if the service isn't what you can call friendly yet(though -- as co-worker Brian noted -- karma can be a bitch). It's a little late for me, since I only drink hot chocolate at Starbucks and the season for that is quickly disappearing. I hope. I haven't had much need for my power trio recently, and I like it that way.

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