Wednesday, May 30, 2007

It's Really Big...No, Bigger Than That...It Was Big

Time to get my geek on. Ever wonder how big the Starship Enterprise D was? Well, take a look how it stacks up to various Seattle landmarks(click through to

Neat. Interestingly, "Starship" is not recognized by the Blogger spell checker. It wants to change it to the "Steamship" Enterprise D, and I have to admit, a steam-punk Enterprise would be kind of cool.


minijonb said...

wow. that's pretty amazing.

i was a Star Trek geek when i was 6. i even had the Starfleet Manual. i kinda outgrew it, but funny stuff like that picture bring back memories.

Kris said...

minijonb: I've been a Star Trek geek since my father sat me down and watched TOS with me. I didn't get on the TNG bandwagon as fast as my friends, but I did eventually.