Monday, October 01, 2007

The End?

The big, long project is over. We've had some positive press, a good reception from the client, and only some minor browser bugs(Safari and IE6, I'm looking at you...). Go check it out, and buy some books, for god's sake :)

So will I be returning to regular blogging? Maybe. Or, more accurately, yes and no. I'll be posting more regularly, that's for sure, but I'll also be taking time to work on the site that will eventually replace this one. It will be my own creation, and should go live in early 2008. It will be part blog, part music writing, part photos, part resume, etc.

In the mean time, though, it's good to be back.

1 comment:

minijonb said...

wow, nice sexy ajax-y goodness in that "our picks" scroll on the home page. (back and forth arrows would be a nice add to the pause button... i'm SUCH a critic =:-)

welcome back.